Address Vincom Center, 72 Lê Thánh Tôn, Q.1, HCM
Phone 0908999426

NhapSi is a 6 year old company founded by Dai Ping in China. We recognize that we need a mission to help small and medium-sized companies in Vietnam access their products in China through official import. Otherwise, it will be difficult for small and medium companies to grow and expand.

We believe that you do not need to import small-scale goods and fear of being sanctioned by the authorities. Formal importation of small orders has never been easier with Nhapsi.

Ping Dai Co-Founder & CEO

Transparent source of good

Transparency of the value of goods, negotiating without collecting price differences.

Legalized 100% official channel

Ensuring all goods in China will be legalized (1688/taobao,...), you can purchase from a variety of sources.

Importing service from A-Z

Import official goods from A-Z from the stage of ordering, negotiation, payment, paperwork Logistics, C / O, ...

Fast and flexible

We, with a team of long-term employees with a lot of experience and a local team, will quickly handle the problems and come up with the best solutions.

Our advantages Our difference

Legal good

Nhapsi legalizes all goods from China (1688, taobao, ...) into legal papers to be able to transfer official goods to Vietnam.

Legal origin of goods

You worry because your goods cannot prove the origin, always worry about the problem of being inspected and sanctioned by the authorities because the goods do not have invoices. We help you to solve the root of this problem.

Increased scalability

Importing official goods through official channels, however, the cost of importing goods through official channels is not much different from the method of importing informal goods. This makes your business legally scalable.

Our Locations

50 +

100 +
Logistics network

> 1000000
Tonnes Transported

Watch Our Intro Video

Our Team

Interested in working with Nhapsi?

We do not publish information on import policies and prices on the website, we provide confidential information when meeting in person or by phone.
CALL +84908999426